T TW Domain - Taiwan - http://www.twnic.net/NIC for .tw CCTLD. TR Domain - Turkey - http://dns.metu.edu.tr/ NIC for .tr CCTLD. TO Domain - Tonga - http://www.tonic.to/ NIC for .to CCTLD. TH Domain - Thailand - http://www.thnic.net/ NIC for .th CCTLD. TC Domain - Turks and Caicos Islands - http://www.adamsnames.tc/ NIC for .tc CCTLD. TZ Domain - Tanzania - http://www.psg.com/dns/tz/ NIC for .tz CCTLD. TC - http://www.tc/ The Turks and Caicos Islands (The Turks and Caicos Islands) TP Domain - East Timor - http://www.nic.tp/ NIC for .tp CCTLD. TM Domain - Turkmenistan - http://www.nic.tm/ NIC for .tm CCTLD. TJ Domain - Tajikistan - http://www.nic.tj/ NIC for the .tj CCTLD. TN Domain - Tunisia - http://www.ati.tn/Nic/ NIC for .tn CCTLD. TG Domain - Togo - http://www.nic.tg/ NIC for .tg CCTLD. TF Domain - French Southern Territories - http://www.tf/ NIC for .tf CCTLD. http://www.tf/ - http://www.tf/ TV Domain - Tuvalu - http://internet.tv/ NIC for .tv CCTLD. |